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Speaking Test and What is required when taking the IELTS test

Can you repeat all phrases easily, quickly, and randomly?

  1. Can you finish on time or 2 seconds early, always?

  2. Can you focus on your answer, limit stress, and speak relatively calmly? (speaking smoothly with power and with speed) No matter your understanding,

Here are question and question types that you might face in Reading test:

Like Most

What's your favorite movie? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.

Like Least

What's your least favorite book and why? Use reasons and details to explain your answer.

Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast two schools that you have attended. Which did you like more? Use specific details and examples in your response.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The city council of your hometown has decided to add a new tax on plastics to reduce pollution. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this and whether you believe it’s a good decision.


What advice would you give a friend who is having difficulty at work? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.


What factor do you think is most important in choosing a career: money, joy, or prestige? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.


1st: Your answer

2nd: Support/reason 1 (part 1 of your response)

3rd: Support/reason 2 (part 2 of your response)

One Reason, Two Examples

What happens if you still can’t come up with 2 reasons? Don’t stress too much over this. If on test day you only come up with one reason for this question, simply provide two different examples for it or one very big detailed one. As long as you don’t repeat yourself and fill the speech with relevant details, your score will be fine. Again, as long as you don't repeat yourself, so use examples about different situations.

When you're not sure of what to say for a second reason or example, simply contrast. Give the opposite idea. For example, if you're answer is that you like chocolate because it's sweet. Your second reason or example can illustrate how you don't like other food because it's not as sweet. Remember though that you still want to avoid speaking about the same situation.

First, you need to provide a specific story. What does that mean? Relate details that paint the picture of a real situation. Tell your grader who, where, and when. I know that some of you have a habit of making a false story. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, shhh. . . don’t let anybody know I’m telling you this: talking about real, that’s right real, experiences will improve your score.

Why? Because most students who provide false stories speak generally, repeat themselves, and, overall, provide weak examples that don’t show fluency. This is incredibly important to follow to hit your goal score.

Second, you do need to deliver enough content to show fluency. But don't worry about that now. Later in the program we'll discuss your speaking speed, whether it's strong enough to earn your score, and how to increase your speed if you need to. For now, get familiar with the structure and strategy. If you need to, practice for a few days without a timer to get used to everything that you've learned because you've learned a lot.


If you want to know more about the tips to do so, please refer to the IEAC book store:

Always be your companion!-N.T.N

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