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The Indispensable Tips when Doing the Reading test

1, Work time

  • You need to split the time to do Reading test is reasonable

  • Example:

Time: 60 minutes with 3 reading-passages -> 20 minutes/1 reading-passage

The steps that you need to take to complete this reading the best way possible.

  1. Set your online stopwatch to 20 min.

  2. Start the stopwatch and start the reading.

  3. When the timer stops, stop your work

  4. Mark your notes at the point where you stopped.

2, Study Each Step With Care:

First, make sure to study with colored pens to engage all parts of your brain and force you to categorize and organize your notes better.

Second, always take things one step at a time. Don't jump ahead and review consistently in the way described on the introduction page to ensure mastery.


Third, be patient with your progress. It takes time to improve. With this program and your focus, trust that you are improving as quickly as possible and if you feel that you're not, let us know and we'll do our best to help you.

Fourth, don't study when frustrated. It just builds negative habits and limits the power of your time. When you feel frustrated, visit our "motivation" page, take a break, and return when you're energized and ready. Improving on the TOEFL takes a great degree of focus and studying while frustrated is not likely to help much.

Fifth, take regular breaks. Your brain remembers the beginning and endings of your study sessions most, so make as many of them as you can: take a 5 to 15 minute break every 45 to 55 minutes.

Sixth, good luck! You will do it and we'll be here to help you every step of the way until you do.

“It is not that I'm so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer.” ― Albert Einstein

Tip: You don’t want to read the whole passage before you start answering the questions; if you do, it will be a very inefficient and time-wasting way to read. Instead, acquire a basic idea of the reading and prepare your mind for what you’re going to read about by first reading the title. Then, read the first sentence (which is the all important topic sentence) of every paragraph. Do this to get a quick introduction to the reading before you read it in detail.

Below is a picture to get a visual idea of this;

3, Vocabulary:

Whenever the question asks “what does this this word mean,” it’s a vocabulary question. Here is an example to familiarize yourself with this question type:

The word “depressions” in the passage is closest in meaning to

If you know the word:

  1. Choose the answer or answers that match the meaning best.

  2. Read the sentence with the highlighted vocabulary to double check the meaning.

If you don’t know the word:

  1. Read the sentence with the word and guess what its meaning could be

  2. Choose an answer that fits this meaning. (If more than one works, guess fast.)

​You shouldn’t spend a lot of time on this question no matter what. If you don’t know the word, more than one answer choice might work and you’ll just waste time thinking. Just guess and move on to spend your time on a different question.

4, Confide:

If you want to know more about the tips to do so, please refer to the IEAC book store:

Always be your companion!-N.T.N

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