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Gifts From OurIEAC for IELTS

0, Test Yourself:

90 sentences, recommended to do within 45 minutes, you will receive your exam results immediately:

The test of Anglolang International School of English: 100 sentences/ 60 minutes, your exam results will be sent to your G-mail address:

1, E-Books:

Cambridge IELTS - FULL:

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS:

IELTS Listening-Reading-Speaking-Writing Recent Actual Tests:


From: Simon (

  1. Concentrate - it's really easy to miss the answers if you lose concentration, even for a moment.

  2. Read ahead - it's more important to be ready for the next section than to check the questions you have already done (check them at the end when you have 10 minutes to transfer your answers).

  3. Highlight key words - when reading ahead, it's a good idea to underline words that you think you will need to listen for.

  4. Have the next question in mind - when you're listening for the answer to a question, be ready for the next question as well. It's easy to miss several answers if all of your focus is on one question.

  5. Expect 'tricks' - the speaker may try to confuse you - click here for an example.

  6. Spelling - as well as testing your understanding and vocabulary, IELTS Listening is also a spelling test. You must work on your spelling if this is a weakness.

  7. Difficult questions - don't worry if some questions seem really difficult. The exam needs to have questions that separate band 8 from band 9. If you are worrying too much, you might miss the easier questions that could get you a band 7.

Here are 4 techniques that you could experiment with when practising IELTS listening tests from the Cambridge books:

  1. Work on specific sections rather than doing full tests. For example, you could focus on section 1 this week, then do lots of examples of section 2 next week.

  2. Do a full test, but allow yourself to listen two or three times. See how many extra answers you get the second or third time you listen to the recording.

  3. Do a full test, but give yourself as much time as you want during the breaks (by stopping the recording). This takes away the problem of not having time to read the questions properly, and allows you to focus more on your listening skills.

  4. Change the listening test into a reading test. Instead of listening to the recording, use the transcript at the back of the book. Did you get a higher score than usual? If you did, your listening skills need more work. If you didn't, maybe your problem is related to vocabulary.

3, Confide:

If you want to know more about the tips to do so, please refer to the IEAC book store:

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