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IELTS preparation skills: Do not miss Reading test tips here

For myself, reading is the easiest part of the four IELTS exams, so you and I must try not to lose the reading score, this article will show you how to do it.


a, Example:

Read the following garagragh:

"When the temperature of hydrogen atoms is raised high enough, a helium atom is formed from four hydrogen atoms. In the center of our sun and other stars, hydrogen iss being transformed into helium as hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium. Fusion is a progess in which atomic nuclei collide so fast that they stick together and emit a great deal of energy."


Look at the word "they" in the passage. What word or phrase could replace "they" and still make sense?


  1. "they"="atomic nuclei"

  2. In the passage, "they" refers to things that stick together and emit a great deal of energy.

  3. Logic tells you that "they"="atomic nuclei"

  4. You can verify this by putting "atomic nuclei" in place of "they" in the sentence.

  5. "Fusion is a progess in which atomic nuclei collide so fast that atomic nuclei stick together and emit a great deal of energy."

  6. The sentence still makes sense in the context of the passage.

d,Questions about referents look like this:

The word ,,, in line ... refers to ...

The phrase ... in line ... refers to ...

2, Understanding Vocabulary in Context:

a, Example:

"A 1625 map of North America drawn by Henry is one of the most notorious maps in the history of North American cartography. It was the first printed map to show California as an island."

b, Question:

What is cartography?

A, geography

B, exploration

C, printing

D, mapmaking

c, Answer:

  1. "mapmaking"

  2. Look at the word cartography in the passage. What other words in the passage help you understand the meaning of this word?

  3. Some possible clues are "map, drawn, history of, printed map".

  4. These clues will help you see that the correct answer is "mapmaking".

d, Questions about vocabulary in context look like this:

The word/phrase ... in the passage is closest in meaning to ...

The word/phrase ,,, in the passage means ...

The word/phrase ... in paragraph ... refers to a type of ...

What is ... ?

If you do not have a method to learn vocabulary then you can refer to the method (very effective):


Step 2: Think of all the words related to the topic that you think and should range from words including nouns, verbs and adjectives. How? Basically they are very familiar topics with you, so to find 20 to 40 new words, you just need to record your memory of that topic, from which to recall from the memory of the new heap always. .

Step 3: Complete columns 2 and 3 with a dictionary: Oxford Dictionary to look up dictionaries.

Step 4: Embark on learning new words through your favorite topics.

Let's start...

Let's try harder!

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